From the publisher:
Ideal for courses in contemporary moral problems, applied ethics, and introduction to ethics, Disputed Moral Issues: A Reader, Fifth Edition, offers a unique pedagogical approach that bridges moral theory and applied ethics. Bringing together sixty-eight engaging articles, it also includes an accessible Moral Theory Primer (Chapter 1).
Each selection is enhanced by a host of pedagogical features, including concise summaries, reader cues referring to pertinent moral theories, and reading and discussion questions. A "Quick Guide to Moral Theories" at the front of the book and an extensive glossary of key terms are also included. A "User's Guide," which follows the preface, shows instructors how they can integrate moral theories and applied ethics into their courses.
"Disputed Moral Issues includes the usual suspects (e.g., abortion, the death penalty, etc.), but also addresses some less widely incorporated ones including immigration, hate speech, ethics of prima facie duties, and perfectionism. Timmons writes with a precision and formalistic clarity that isunique among ethics readers. The Moral Theory Primer is quite well done."--David Burris, Arizona Western College
"The sections introducing each chapter are helpful and concise, and the 'Theory Meets Practice' sections provide the often-omitted connections between ethical theories with particular issues."--Michael Emerson, Northwestern Michigan College