Freedom Center Colloquium: Judith Bronstein

Title: Why Cooperate? Mutualism in the Natural World


12:30 to 3:40 p.m., Sept. 5, 2019


The classic view of nature is one of a deathly struggle for existence both within and among species. Yet, throughout nature, species cooperate with each other. Mutualisms are more than fascinating natural history stories: they turn out to be central to the diversity and the diversification of life on our planet. But mutualisms have only recently attracted focused scientific attention, and many mysteries remain. Charles Darwin mused that if species could be shown to act exclusively for the good of others, “it would annihilate my theory”. How do we now interpret mutualisms through a Darwinian lens? And how can cooperation persist, in the face of a persistent temptation to “cheat” one’s partner? The main points in this talk will be liberally illustrated by examples from nature, both familiar and exotic.